Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tools begone

This past weekend, our garage was broken into. Most of what they took happened to be Derek's coveted power tools, tool sets, tool boxes, tool chests; the main reason he convinced me that we needed to rent a garage in our aparment complex; basically they wiped him out. For those of you that know Derek, these tools meant a lot to him. Over half have been purchased, gifted or inherited from our fathers and his grandfather. A lot of them have sentimental value. Each time he goes to the garage, he discovers more of what they took. What I love about him, was he was pretty distraught about the whole situation on Sunday when he discovered what happened, but by the end of the night he just said, "...you know, it's just stuff." He can let it go so much easier than I can. I started thinking about everything that has been taken from us recently. Our Japanese Vespa knock off was stolen from our parking lot about a year ago, and recently my phone was stolen from a Noodles and Company where Jack and I had been eating and got up to clear our tray (I wanted to believe that the bus boy accidentally threw it away even though the manager said that it probably was stolen, and sure enough our phone bill had accumulated $55 in download charges from that same night.). I guess this is just all stuff like Derek said, but why is there so much evil and greed in this world that people really believe that they are entitled to things that are not theirs? As a side note, Jack has graciously offered Derek his tool set to borrow since he has but one screw driver left. What a boy!
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Zach 'n' Jack said...

oh Amy I am so sorry! That is awful! You guys are the sweetest people I know and I just isn't right that this should happen to you guys - not that it should happen to anybody, but you know what I mean. I'm really sorry, I wish I had something other to offer! I'm sure Keegan could spare a few tools as well ;-)

dixonfamily said...

Oh my goodness! That is horrible. I must say that I am impressed with your attitudes. Jeff and I both would be yelling from the rooftops! Thanks for your examples. I am glad that Jack is willing to share. Tools are so pricey too. Dang. I am mad for you guys!

Diana said...

Urgg, I agree! I felt the same way after my purse was stolen. I hated that someone I didn't know could all of a sudden see everything about me. I felt very upset and very afraid and I had a very hard time letting it go. I'm so sorry Derek. Even though it is just stuff it is so frustrating to know that whoever took it will never understand or care about how their thoughtless actions might affect the person they rob.

thepainterfamily said...

AMY!!! I am so so sorry! This just really stinks, and I keep thinking about all the tools that were Dereks grandfathers. Even if you "replace" them, it just isn't the same! I am so sorry! Let me know what you do! I hate this kind of thing, because you never know if you should make a claim to insurance, sometimes they raise the rates or whatnot...so unfair! Also, Dave is right here while I am typing and he wanted me to say he is SO SORRY! (he almost cried no joke!)

Tara said...

I am so sorry-that is horrible. Daniel and I had a bike stolen not long after we moved here. I also felt bad that someone could take something that is not theirs. The funny thing is they stole Daniel's bike (which was brand new) but they didn't still my bike which I got in Jr. High. Dan still teases me that my bike wasn't good enough.

Lisa Hobbs said...

That is so cute that Jack gave Derek his tools. Devin would be so sad to loose his too. And they are expensive, but it is just stuff, and it is nice to get that reminder every once in a while not to sweat the small stuff. Way to go Derek!

Erin S said...

I am so sorry, Amy. That just sucks. Mean people suck.

Anonymous said...

Derek, that sucks that your tools were stolen. I guess you will have to hit up big "D" for some new tools at Christmas time! We are trying to come see you guys soon. I need a vacation and Em wants to go shopping with Amy.

Love, Em and Jared Mack