Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Go Away Wicked Winter Bugs

Derek in bed with flu, Jack coughing so much he is throwing up, Henry needing the nebulilzer at the docs b/c he can't breathe. And this is just today's happenings. I feel like we can't shake these bugs. Does anyone else feel like this has been the worst winter for sickness?

*By the way, I've always wondered how if you're having such a crazy day, how and why you can find time to blog about it. Well I understand now. I needed some down time now that everyone is safely tucked in their beds; and maybe someone to read my complaints.
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Hansens said...

We are having the worst winter ever!!! It feels like Auri and Max take turns being sick and can I just tell you how much I love cleaning vomit out of a car seat. Hang in there, this too shall pass.

Miss Sarah in Georgia said...

Sending healthy family thoughts your way. I hope you stay well and the boys get well soon.

Love you!

thepainterfamily said...

oh no!

That is the saddest picture ever!

Miss Lily had RSV when she was a babe and we got to purchase one of those nebulizers. it's so sad when they are so little!

here's to a healthier tomorrow!!

(ps...blogging is great therapy!)

Diana said...

We are all sick too. I just thought it was because we are in Utah and it seems like any winter we come to Utah we get sick. Boo! I hope Henry is doing better. Bella had to have the nebulizer too when she was around his same age. Winter babies are not easy. Hope you guys feel better soon. (oh and by the way, I'm sorry we didn't get to see you when you were in dc. My phone was off while we were on the cruise so I didn't even get your message. We miss you guys.)

Maria said...

This winter has been so warm but everyone is sick...interesting...poor little Henry!! I somehow got super lucky and neither of my winter babies got sick. But now there's runny noses constantly! Get your rest so you can hold down the fort! And see you soon!!

Erin S said...

Oh bummer! Now I feel bad that I called you today, hopefully I didn't wake anyone up! Hope you all feel better soon.

Zach 'n' Jack said...

oh nO!!!!!!!!!!! I almost had a heart attack when I saw this picture, I'm so sorry (but glad it wasn't quite as horrible as I was imagining when I saw the pic). Thankfully, my boys seem to have filled their quota of horrific illnesses BEFORE Kyler was born (knocking on wood right now). But up until now, it has been awful - we almost ended up in the hospital with Kayden ourselves! Get better and give lots of love to all those boys of yours - we miss you TONS!

Ty n Casey's Mom said...

So sorry it's been a tough winter, Amy. Glad I finally know what your new baby's name is. He's a super-cutie. Looks just like Jack!

The McWhorter Family said...

That's rough. Sorry that your boys are all sick. Natalie got the flu last winter which turned into bronchiolitis and had to have breathing treatments 5x/day for 10 weeks until she finally stopped wheezing, so I know how hard that can be. I hope that Henry kicks the bug quickly!

Thinking about you guys....

Zac and Kaylan said...

Oh my goodness Amy that is terrible! We have been lucky so far with not getting sick but the season is far from over! I hope Jack and Henry feel better soon. I absolutely hate it when my kids are sick. It makes me feel helpless. Last year I blogged about how Haley got a stomach/diareha thing the Saturday my Step-mom left to go back home. I had a two week old infant and Zac was starting a new job at work that required him traveling an hour and a half each way. Well, I told him he had to take care of Haley, she threw up on him repeatedly. I had to keep Kori safe from the germs. Then Zac got the stomach flu so Kori and I steered clear of him and Haley by sleeping in another room. Haley didn't get better for almost 6 days! It was a rough time but you are pretty proud of yourself as a mom b/c you got everyone through it :) Keep up the good work!