Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Henry's Blessing

We decided to have Henry's blessing in Lancaster since most of my family is up there, but little did we know it would be the start of "Snowmageddon." Needless to say, we all made it except for my VA sis and family, and it was a wonderful snowy day. Missed ya sis!

We were so fortunate to have Derek's parents there, as they braved the weather that morning from their work conference in DC to be there. Thanks again for flying out you guys!
Yeah, I blame it on the lack of sleep, but I decided to have a grilled chicken dinner for my family after the blessing, so Derek spent the day before shoveling out around my parent's grill! Also, his buddies Ben (& Diana) and Richie (& Maria) and their kids drove from DC and NJ to make it! We love you guys!

We also celebrated Derek's 30th after dinner and before the Super Bowl started!

...and Henry slept through all of it
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LadyEm said...

Aww. I miss PA. You're so pretty!

thepainterfamily said...

what an exciting day!! so many great things and people to celebrate :)

and amy, you are drop dead gorgeous...i hope you know that!