Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Best buddies

A friend just shared with me that one of the best things about having more children, was how endearing it was to watch them interact. I could not agree more. I get all teary eyed just thinking of the bond these two already have. I could not be happier right now watching them together.
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Zach 'n' Jack said...

so so so so so beautiful! Congrats Amy, i'm so sorry we haven't had a chance to catch up yet since we had our babies...I miss you tons and hope that all is going well! Love you!

*K*R*I*S*T*Y* said...

They are just the sweetest things.Its so true, Cohen lights up when he sees gavin, and Gavin always wants to know where Cohen is and what he's doing.Then you have times like right now, I'm sitting here blogging and I'm getting onto gavin for trying to sit on cohen, throwing pillows at him etc etc....boys are so fun!Love and miss you.Your boys are so precious.

missy d said...

Your boys are so cute! I can't believe it's been over a month since Henry was born. I hope you all are doing well!

thepainterfamily said...

the cuteness is overwhelming!!

I don't want to jinx anything, but two ADORABLE posts in one week...and I'm wondering if you ALWAYS take these amazing pictures and just don't share them with us!!

I'll cross my fingers and hope they keep coming! :)

love ya, miss ya

The High Family- said...

Those are some handsome boys! There really is such a neat bond with brothers. Those pictures of them are precious.

Tara said...

He is SO cute. I can't believe how big he is already. I am VERY anxiously awaiting the arrival of #2. Looking at these pics makes me so excited. Hope all is well with you guys.

Larissa said...

These pictures are so cute! The brother bond gets me all choked up too. I'm so sorry that I never made it to visit before you left for break. Hope you're doing well!